Receive Pure Love Heart frequencies + GrandMother Energy 15 minutes
For anyone needing pure compassionate love energy and heart space activation's
"Blessings to Maureen for the Love and GrandMother Energy!!
I felt so uplifted and peaceful. We will definitely be buying this again. Would you consider doing regular small group sessions?"
15 min of pure wrap you from head to toe in Warm, Strong, Maternal, Grandmother nourishment and just hold you Love Energy and heart activation's.
It’s a warm, uplifting energy full of comfort.
Note that nothing physical is being shipped to you, this is a live distance energy send.
This is from my Mother, who is also a Grandmama and channels this strong, beautiful, compassionate and fierce love from her Cancerian heart.
It's pure heart frequency medicine, activating and opening unconditional love and receiving templates
She’s been doing it for years.
She sends it to people all over the world, usually without them ever knowing!
Grandmother energy is often forgotten and cast aside for our youth obsessed society.
Grandmother energy is powerful and ancient.
She is nourishing, supportive and filled with loving wisdom and deep compassion.
Our world always needs this.
After receiving your order, the energy will be sent out within 1-3 days
You will receive an email letting you know when she will begin.
You don't have to meet online, this can happen anywhere at anytime.
Energy and intention work in a beautiful way that transcends time and space, you can be anywhere doing anything and still fully receive.
This is done remotely, you do not need to do anything special to receive this energy.
At check out under Notes or instructions please just leave the first + last name of the person it is for.
If you feel called to send a photo, make sure it is front facing with eyes visible.
You may email it to [email protected]
There is also an option if you feel called to bundle this with Distance Energy Healing + Clearing at a discounted rate (regular price on it's own is $116)
By paying for this service you fully understand this is NOT a replacement for medical care.
I am not a therapist or medical professional.
This service is intended for spiritual and personal growth purposes.
It does not replace professional medical, legal, or psychological advice.
Disclaimer: By choosing my remote energy healing service, you acknowledge the uniqueness of each individual's healing journey, understanding that results may vary.
Hence, I am indemnified of any liability.
This service should not replace any medical attention you may need, and I encourage you to adhere to all medical directives prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Much love to all,
Maureen + Natasha